Advanced Master Remix.

Camera Club of New York City

July 7 - 30, 2015

Curated by Joanna Lehan


Advanced Master Remix features work selected from the solo thesis exhibitions of the 2015 graduates of ICP-Bard’s MFA in Advanced Photographic Studies, as well as recent work, and new, site-specific installations. This remix highlights the multidisciplinary work of these artists, for whom the photographic image is a starting point, though not always the endpoint.

Photography today is the torrent that carries us, and a language we all speak. Undertaking “Advanced Photographic Studies,” then, is a more complex endeavor than ever, and the work of these newly-minted MFAs represents the new ways in which the image can be interrogated and reinterpreted.

Artists: Esther Boesche, Stephanie Colgan, Joseph Desler Costa, Marie Louise Omme, Kat Shannon, Marisa Sottos, Daniel Terna, Jessica Thalmann, Beau Torres, Kimberly J. Wade & Tracie Williams


Photography Is Magic


Fold (Un)fold